Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year!!!

OK, let me start by wishing everyone a very Happy and Blessed New Year! It is going to be a "resolution of sorts" for me to blog more often ;) I know, I am absolutely crazy to think that I can actually stick to it, but hey a challenge is a challenge...make it a little more interesting for!

Anywho, I wanted to take this opportunity to thank God for a wonderful 2008! He blessed me in sooooo many ways....He is sooooo awesome! As I type, my mind (and heart) is racing at the mere thought of these such things...the birth of another precious child (another cutie pie too....even if he does look EXACTLY like his siblings and his dad), my health, my family, many, many friends, the start of my "career" know, the one where I get to play with paper, scissors and glue :)... and so much more!

I also, want to stop each and everyday to post a thought, quote and/or verse as a source of please stop by and take a moment for YOUrself!

Again, Happy New Year...may it be full of joy, hope, health and love!

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